All children who begin their riding tuition at Reddish Vale Farm start on our walkout lessons. These lessons are group lessons, each pony has a leader leading the pony and there is an instructor to the whole group. All children are insured from 4 years.
Once your child is competent at the above they may then progress onto lessons in the ménage. We have decided to introduce progressive level system to provide an incentive for improvement, and a means by which our instructors may monitor each child’s progression.
The walkouts will cover level one through to level five, after which the child will be considered for transition to the ménage. The content of each level is displayed on the notice board. Once the child has grasped and developed the skills within the level, they will be awarded a certificate to mark their achievement.
After progressing from walkout lessons, a child will move into a group lesson in the ménage where they will ride independently, taught by one of our qualified instructors.
In the ménage, a child will begin working towards the higher levels. Level six through to level ten are achieved in the ménage and these include skills such as cantering and drill riding.
As the child progresses through these levels they will receive certificates for their achievements. Ménage lessons are fun, challenging and rewarding. Details of the new level system are on the notice board outside the tack room.
Stable Management Courses are run for children who are looking to develop their knowledge on how to care for a horse they are aimed at children 6years+. We run the courses for children who attend our riding school only and our friendly qualified instructors are always on hand to provide constant supervision and assistance. Stable Management Courses run every school holidays on a Thursday 10am-3pm and are £40 for the day. The children learn how to muck out/fill hay nets and ride for 45 minutes in the ménage and work their way through our Stable Managements levels 1-14 which cover;